Madam Vice-President,
The International Institute for Rights and Development/ and the Rights Radar Foundation/ are deeply concerned / about escalating assassination cases in Yemen/ by mercenaries /.
The United Arab Emirates/ hired American mercenaries/ to carry out high-profile assassinations/ in Yemen./ They conducted several operations/ in Aden and other cities,/ resulting in the assassination of / dozens of politicians and public figures/ during the past five years of/ armed conflict in Yemen.
Among 30 thousand mercenaries/ from 4 Latin American countries/ hired by the UAE,/ at least 450 mercenaries/ have been deployed to Yemen/ after they received training by U.S. trainers.
These mercenaries take advantage/ of the UN’s disregard for/ their human rights abuses in Yemen/ to continue their crimes/ with no accountability./
Over 80 percent of Yemeni politicians,/ lawmakers and media professionals/ have been displaced internally or globally/, seeking safety,/ as they become a potential targets for assassination./
The right to life in Yemen/ is in extreme danger./ It needs the UN to offer / serious and effective action/, not just kind words./ Enough is enough.
Thank you.
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